Construction Update 11/5/2018

Weekly UpdatesThese weekly construction updates are now available directly from the home page of the department website as well as appearing in the department newsletter and its online archive ( You can go directly to the construction updates at this URL:

construction barriersLast Thursday afternoon the large restrooms at the north end of the first floor of Daniels were closed off by construction barriers. Students in B, 1, and 2 of Daniels should be directed to the restroom trailer outside the south exits from Daniels basement. Signs are being posted to that effect.

Safety issues:

  • Keep out of the area north of the loading dock!
  • The emergency exit to the west at the north end of the first floor of Daniels should be used for emergencies only because it opens into the area north of the loading dock. Do not use this exit!
  • Carts loaded with construction materials will use the corridors on B, 1, and 2 Daniels between the freight elevator and the north end of the building. Warn students to watch out!

busThe west (parking) lane on the Chemistry side of Mills Street is now closed by construction barriers and the bus stop has been moved from the University Avenue end of the block south to the Johnson Street end. There is no sidewalk on the west side of Mills street. Don’t walk down that side of the street: you will be in an automobile traffic lane. Excavations to allow equipment to be brought into the sub-basement will begin soon on the Mills-Street side of our building and Mills street will be completely closed between University and Johnson for a period of a couple weeks sometime this month.

We have discovered that access to the webcam will not be available to the public. We are working on a feed that can be compressed and selected to mitigate those concerns.

The water-main repair that necessitated temporary loss of sprinklers and lowering of pressure in Shain tower was successfully completed a week ago.

This information is up-to-date as of Friday afternoon. Email bulletins will be provided as needed.
John Moore and Bob McMahon