Having chosen right parents, with robust good health he celebrated his 85th birthday on January 20th.
Thus, he has been taking on busy travel schedule to Korea and China for the past several years.
He goes to Korea semi-annually for industrial consulting for a couple of companies within the LG Corporation, and a petrochemical company; the consultancy with the LG has been continuous for the past 20 years.
In addition, he has been to Shenzhen, China, to teach an equivalent of our CHEM 664 for 9 weeks, at the invitation of Prof. Charles C. Han (Ph.D., 1973), Dean of Institute for Advanced Study (IAS), Shenzhen University. IAS is a special college within the university, set up as a center of excellence to serve as the bellwether of quality upgrading in teaching and research.
In January of 2017, he also went to Pohang University of Science of Technology in Korea to teach a short course on polymer physics for 3 weeks. It was at the invitation of Prof. Taihyun Chang (Ph.D., 1983), who just came off serving as the provost of the university.