Robert West: International Bobfests and Tributes on the Occasion of His 90th Birthday

Robert West with colleagues in Prague. Pictured (from left): J. Michl, K. Baines, A. Sekiguchi, H. Schmidbaur, Y. Apeloig, R. Tacke, R. West, J. Kaleta, M. Driess, P. Young, M. Karni, K. Tamao, R. Weidner
Robert West with colleagues in Prague. Pictured (from left): J. Michl, K. Baines, A. Sekiguchi, H. Schmidbaur, Y. Apeloig, R. Tacke, R. West, J. Kaleta, M. Driess, P. Young, M. Karni, K. Tamao, R. Weidner

By Anthony Millevolte & Matthias Driess

Colleagues and friends of Emeritus Professor Robert C. West joined to celebrate Bob’s 90th birthday during special conference sessions in 2018.

It began in May with the 101st Canadian Chemistry Conference in Edmonton, Alberta, and continued in September at the Silicon Symposium in Prague and then at the 9th European Silicon Days in Saarbrücken (Germany). A special tribute to Bob, including a visual panorama of his life and icons, was published in the Journal of Phosphorus, Sulfur, Silicon, and the Related Elements – the piece, and its associated artwork, can be accessed here: