New Tower. Work in the new tower continues. The remaining concrete for the eighth floor was poured last week and the west side of the ninth floor (mechanical area and roof) is ready for concrete to be poured this week. The temporary stairway that enables workers to access upper floors without using ladders has been moved to the Mills Street side of the tower. Next to the stairs a skip hoist is under construction that will speed movement of building materials to the various floors. The view from the eighth floor down Mills Street is dizzying!
The monumental stairway that will connect the Mills-Street entrance slightly below the first floor with the large lecture rooms in the sub-basement is now partially complete, extending from the first floor to the basement. Workers were pouring concrete in the sub-basement at the base of the stairs last Friday. Once the monumental stairs are complete there will be stairway access (instead of ladders) to all floors, making it much easier for workers to get to their job sites.
In the basement and sub-basement metal studs are in place for most of the walls, making it easier to see where corridors and rooms will be. On the second floor, window frames and some glass have been installed and studs are in place for the wall that will separate the Information Commons (library) from the upper part of the first-floor Learning Studio.
Fire Protection. Installation of fire sprinklers on the fifth floor of Daniels is nearly complete. Texting will take place this week. Installation on the third floor of Daniels begins Monday, April 13.
This information is up to date as of Friday afternoon. Email bulletins will be provided as needed.
We are indebted to Gerald David of Miron Construction for providing the photographs in this report.
John Moore and Bob McMahon