Construction Update 07/20/2020

New Tower. There is more to see in the new tower, from sub-basement to ninth-floor mechanical penthouse. Upper floors of the tower continue to be built out, with studs installed for walls from the fifth through eighth floors. There is more ventilation ducting and electrical work on all floors as well. In the sub-basement, both large lecture rooms have ventilation ductwork above and their walls are defined by metal studs. On the first floor, the Mills-University entryway and the adjacent atrium have been enclosed with framing and glass. Badger red adorns the framing around the doors that students will use to enter the atrium.

Construction Building Update

Construction Building Update

Mock-up. The mock-up, located in parking lot 45, across Mills Street from the Charter Street Power Plant, is now essentially complete. The exterior finishes that will be applied to the new tower have been installed and are ready for inspection and approval by the design team. The mock-up finishes look great and provide a miniature example of what the exterior of our new tower will look like. The tower will be a major architectural presence along University Avenue, enhancing the architecture of a thoroughfare lined by many splendid structures.

Construction Building Update

Fire Protection. Fire-protection installation on the Mathews fourth floor should be finished next week. Work on the first floor Mathews begins next week. In Shain tower, installation of new electrical components for the existing sprinkler system will take place on the second floor this week. Coring of stairwells for installation of fire-protection piping continues this week.

This information is up to date as of Monday morning. Email bulletins will be provided as needed.

We are indebted to Gerald David and Miron Construction for photographs in this report.

John Moore and Bob McMahon