Undergrad researcher earns award to attend ACS Atlanta

By Tatum Lyles Flick
Marketing & Communications Manager

Christian Gomez, an undergraduate researcher with the Martell group, received an ACS Bridge Travel and Career/Professional Development Award, which helped him attend his first scientific conference – the ACS Meeting & Expo in Atlanta.

The award supports underrepresented undergraduate and graduate students by funding conference attendance and career and professional development.

Christian Gomez attends the ACS Meeting & Expo in Atlanta, GA, by winning an ACS Bridge Travel and Career/Professional Development Award

“The award gave me the opportunity to represent both University of Wisconsin–Madison and the Martell group,” Gomez said. “The ACS Fall 2021 Meeting was a great way to talk to other professors and students about current research, while exchanging and learning about new ideas in different fields of chemistry.”

“I’m so glad Christian was able to attend the ACS Atlanta meeting,” said Prof. Jeffrey Martell. “This was a fantastic opportunity for him to learn about new areas of chemistry, meet scientists from all over the world, and gain experience explaining his research.”

The Martell develops enzyme-mimicking catalysts, and Gomez studies ways to create DNA-based sensors for detection of small molecules or proteins.

“The presentations at the ACS conference offered a wide range of topics that helped me expand my knowledge beyond my current area of research,” he said, adding that he enjoyed the talks and attending in-person poster presentations, where he could have one-on-one conversations with presenters.

“The travel award has offered a glimpse into professional presentations and I hope to give my own poster presentation next year at the 2022 ACS Fall meeting,” Gomez concluded.