Angela Ablaberdieva
Credentials: Chemistry MS, Fall 2020 (Sibert)
Hometown: Gladbrook, IA
- Advisor
- Professor Ned Sibert
- Future Plans
- I am currently enrolled in a Ph.D. program in population health and epidemiology at UW-Madison. This summer, I will be starting an internship at the WI DHS Environmental Public Health Tracking Program, which I hope will be the start of a career in government. I have four years left on my Ph.D., so I have some time to decide what my next steps will be.

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My favorite memory was when my friends and classmates threw a baby shower for me in the spring of my first year. As the first woman in the program to have a child while enrolled as a non-dissertator, this expression of support was something I won’t forget!
I received my B.S. in chemistry and biology from the University of Northern Iowa in 2015. Two years later, I began my graduate studies at UW-Madison, studying theoretical chemistry in the physical path. Under the guidance of Ned Sibert, I used mathematical methods (such as local mode transformations of the Hamiltonian) to predict the infrared spectra of mid-sized organic molecules. I am currently enrolled in a PhD program in population health and epidemiology here at UW-Madison; this summer, I am beginning an internship at the WI DHS Environmental Public Health Tracking Program that I hope will be the start of a career in government. For the time being, I will be staying in Madison with my husband Maruf, son Merganjon, and ridiculous cat Podarka as I work toward completing my PhD.
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