Michael Aguilar
Credentials: Chemistry BS, Fall 2019
Hometown: Madison, WI
- Future Plans
- Right now I’m going to keep working and taking the career ladder, but I don’t think my time with the educational elevator is over.

I loved being in the chemistry building I worked in the gen chem stock room all through my undergrad and found the building to be a second home.
I grew up in Madison attending Monona schools. UW was always in the plan though chemistry came unexpectedly along the way. During my final semester and immediately after graduation I worked at National Electrostatics Corp. as a tech. At NEC I built, maintained, and serviced fully electrostatic particle accelerator systems. A little under a year of building particle accelerators I made the switch to Exact Sciences where I now work as an service and support engineer for the labs in Madison. I’m very proud of my current position as it’s one that perfectly blends my unique time building particle accelerators as well as my wonderful memories and lessons from UW chemistry.
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