Chavin Buasakdi

Credentials: Chemistry BS, Spring 2020

Position title: Honors Candidate

Chatuchak Bangkok, Thailand

Daniel Amador-Noguez
Future Plans
I am currently committed to a master's degree in Bacteriology at the UW-Madison. The plan was that I could finish it within two years before continuing my Ph.D. degree in molecular biology and biochemistry. My research during the master's degree will focus on metabolomic and lipidomic studies of bacterial metabolism. I hope that what I have learned from this master's degree will grant me the skills and the ability required to work with other types of metabolic studies in other organisms.
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My favorite memory was chemistry 561 with professor Mark Ediger.

In this class, professor Ediger excited me with his teachings as well as his excitement in teaching the class. In one of the sessions that I remember so vividly, professor Ediger showed us a toy called “drinking bird” in an attempt to give us an example of a heat engine. However, the cold temperature of the second-floor chemistry building prevented the alcohol solution from evaporating, preventing the bird from moving its head back and forth. The funniest thing was that professor Ediger seemed to be disappointed in the bird! He looked at it with a clear disappointment in his eyes. He was so excited to show us something that utilized the knowledge that we learned in his class, but then it decided not to work. The best moment was when he was staring at the bird, with his hands on his hips, waiting for the bird to start working. In the end he ended up holding the bird in his hand and continued with his lecture. Finally, the bird started moving its head into a water cup at the end of the class, and we were so happy that the bird finally worked!


My name is Chavin, and I came from Bangkok, Thailand. Throughout high school, I dreamed of studying biology at a leading US institution. Through my efforts and hard work, I was awarded the Royal Thai Government scholarship for studying a bachelor’s, a master’s, and a Ph.D. degree in the United States. Right after my high school graduation in 2015, I spent my gap year at the Loomis Chaffee boarding school in Connecticut, and it was during this time that I applied for UW-Madison. In 2016, I started my bachelor’s degree at UW-Madison with a biology major before I quickly realized my interest in chemistry. I successfully applied for my second chemistry major in my sophomore year, and it was the best decision I ever made. Although I am more interested in biochemistry research, I have found the knowledge I learned from my chemistry classes to be useful. In April 2020, I was offered a master’s degree at the Bacteriology Department, and I accepted it in preparation for my future Ph.D. degree.



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