Elizabeth Alice Haberland-Ervin
Credentials: Chemistry BA, Spring 2020
Position title: Honors Candidate
Hometown: Madison, WI
- Research Advisor
- Professor Robert J. Hamers
- Graduate Student Mentor
- Liz Laudadio
- Thesis
- Investigating a Library: Increase Lapham and the Foundations of Wisconsin Conservationism
- Thesis Advisor
- Dr. Robin Rider

Finally getting to Pchem with just chemistry majors, and realizing we’re all sarcastic and hilarious.
Elizabeth Haberland-Ervin declared her Chemistry major at the end of her freshman year. She joined the Hamers group working with Liz Laudadio on phosphate interactions with nano materials. The team became Liz^2. Liz Laudadio was a major influence on Elizabeth, and encouraged her to apply for numerous scholarships and programs. Thanks to this collaboration Elizabeth was able to present at the (virtual) ACS Conference this Spring. Elizabeth graduates with two degrees, one in chemistry and one in history of science. She was a member of the honors program and graduates with comprehensive honors.

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