Leslie M. Klevay

Credentials: Chemistry BS 1956 (Meloche); MD 1960

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Leslie has been married for 53 years and has three children and six grandchildren. One son and daughter-in-law are graduates of the UW Medical School. He has climbed Mt. Fuji and has travelled the upper 85 miles of the Mississippi River by canoe. Last year he achieved the equivalent of three equatorial trips around the world on his bicycle. His 1973 MGB-GT has the license KUPFER in honor of his theory that most heart disease is caused by copper deficiency (Nutr Res Rev 29:172, 2016).

He received valuable experience as a teaching assistant in quantitative analysis (with Leussing and Blaedal) during his senior year. He has published more than 250 publications in 95 different journals and in 30+ books. He was awarded the Klaus Schwarz Commemorative Medal of the International Association of Bioinorganic Scientists and Medical Alumni Citation from the UW Medical Alumni Association. He is a Fellow of the American Society for Nutrition in honor of a distinguished career in the science of nutrition and of the American Association for the Advancement of Science for distinguished contributions to the field of copper nutrition in humans.