Margaret "Maggie" McEwan

Credentials: Chemistry MS, Summer 2020 (Blackwell)

Hometown: Yorktown, Virginia

Professor Helen Blackwell
Future Plan
I'll be joining the work force for now (once this whole quarantine thing is over, of course!)
Margaret McEwan


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My favorite part of grad school has been finding a second family in the friends I’ve made since I’ve been here!


I got my BS in Chemistry at CNU in Virginia. I then joined Helen Blackwell’s lab at UW-Madison where I have been developing chemical tools to further our understanding of how bacteria communicate. I’m so glad to be a part of the UW Chemistry family!

Congrats - so very proud of you ? Granddaughter. Looking forward to seeing what’s ahead of you.  Love ya Bunches, Gram Dee Dee And I know how proud Papa Jack is of you also.

Maggie McEwan, “Congratulations Maggie! It was a pleasure to both mentor you and learn from you, and I wish you the very best in your next steps after UW-Madison. The lab will miss your insights, team spirit, and great attitude! You have many friends here, stay in touch!" — Helen Blackwell

Margaret McEwan and Friends Margaret McEwan and Friends Margaret McEwan and Friends Margaret McEwan and Friends Margaret McEwan and Friends



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