Charlotte Michelle O'Sullivan

Credentials: Chemistry BS, Spring 2020

Position title: Candidate for Distinctive Scholastic Achievement

Hometown: Saint Charles, Il

Placeholder headshot


I loved being part of the chemistry community here at Madison. My favorite memories of being a chemistry major are spending time in the study room with my classmates laughing (and sometimes studying), and being an Undergraduate Teaching Assistant.


I have loved my time here in Madison. Some of my favorite things in the last four years have included being the captain of the club lacrosse team, a chemistry undergraduate assistant, and a researcher in the Abbott Lab at WNPRC. Sophomore year, I was able to go to Ecuador, where I studied conservation biology in the Amazon and the Galápagos Islands. I truly appreciate all of the great professors I’ve had these last four years, and all my classmates who have become friends. I am sad to be saying goodbye to UW-Madison, but I am excited to start the next chapter of my life.



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