Nathaniel Balink Tankel

Credentials: Chemistry BS, Spring 2020

Future Plans
My plan is to continue on to graduate school, although I am taking a year off.
Placeholder headshot


At the end of Chem 311/Inorganic/Chemistry Across the Periodic Table, I was very happy to take a photo with my colourful array of compounds created in the lab portion, as my own little chemical rainbow. Sadly, I lost the photo to a broken phone 🙁


I grew up spending lots of time around science, between having two parents in the general field. I read science fiction and watched Bill Nye, my dad and I went to meetings of the amateur Iowa County Astronomers, I was once given a children’s chemistry set as a birthday gift. Going through grade school, my interests shifted between computers and medicine and astronomy, but I had never really been exposed to chemistry until 10th grade, when I also wasn’t sure what I would study come college. I was lucky to have a fantastic set of science teachers, with Mr. Miller for Physiology, Eric Johnson for Biology, and Mr. Hill for Chemistry. Taking their respective classes, I really found what I enjoyed… and now, with all the new facets I discovered, I have absolutely zero regrets.


Latter to Nathaniel Balink


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