Isabelle "Iszie" Tigges-Green
Credentials: Chemistry BS, Fall 2019 (Zanni)
Hometown: Madison, WI
- Advisor
- Professor Martin Zanni
- Thesis
- Towards Button-Snap Latching: A New Method of Functionalizing Graphene
- Future Plans
- This fall, I will be attending graduate school at Princeton University and pursuing a PhD in chemistry with a focus on chemical instrumentation and experimental physical chemistry.

- Dual spectral phase and diffraction angle compensation of a broadband AOM 4-f pulse-shaper for ultrafast spectroscopy. Authors: Andrew C. Jones, Miriam Bohlmann Kunz, Isabelle Tigges-Green, Martin T. Zanni
It’s really difficult to pinpoint a favorite memory of being a chemistry major at UW-Madison because the whole experience was really memorable. I think looking back on the time I was a student, what stood out to me was how incredibly nice the people were that I met in chemistry. I really enjoyed getting to know people, both students, TAs, and professors in class and in office hours as people and scientists. I met some of my best friends in chemistry classes, got to engage in really exciting research, and met amazing people.
I grew up in Madison, Wisconsin and went to West High School. I really liked the research and learning opportunities at UW-Madison, so I decided to stay in the city for college. I initially was thinking about doing a biochemistry and Spanish double-major but realized that I was more interested in chemistry than biology, so I majored in chemistry and Spanish. I joined Professor Zanni’s group in January of 2017 and remained in his group until graduation. I was mentored by Jessi, Andy, and Miriam in the Zanni Group and conducted research on a variety of projects. Throughout my time as an undergraduate I also collaborated on small projects with Professor Burstyn and Dr. Wilkinson, and Dr. Hill. In my 4th year, I served on the Chemistry Undergraduate Research Board and worked toward improving the undergraduate research experience. I’m currently a Faculty Assistant and a Chemistry Outreach Specialist with the UW-Madison Department of Chemistry Institute for Chemical Education.

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