Student Awards & Support Meet the Donors Ackerman East High Scholarship Ackerman Scholarship ACS-Hach Land Grant Alfred L. Wilds Scholarship Alida and Ronald Anderson Graduate Student Support Fund Alpha Chi Sigma Andrew Dorsey Memorial Scholarship Charles P. and Martha L. Casey Excellence in Research Award Dempsky Chemistry Scholarship Department of Chemistry Scholarship Don Brouse Memorial Scholarship Edward J. Panek Memorial Scholarship Edwin M. and Kathryn M. Larsen Scholarship Eli Lilly Organic and Summer Fellowships Eugene and Patricia Kreger Herscher Scholarship Farrington Daniels Ethical Leadership Award Francis Craig Krauskopf Memorial Award Gary B. and Janice L. Aspelin Excellence in Research Award Gary Parr Memorial Award George J. and Arleen D. Ziarnik Scholarship Graduate Student Faculty Liaison Committee Mentor (GSFLC) Award Graduate Student Faculty Liaison Committee Mentor Award Harlan L. and Margaret L. Goering Organic Chemistry Fellowship Harold Hay Fellowship Henry and Eleanor Firminhac Chemistry Scholarship Hilldale-Holstrom Research Fellowship Hirschfelder Prize Ieva L. Reich Undergraduate Scholarship Ina S. and Stanley B. Mirviss Memorial Fund in Chemistry Jack Stephenson Undergraduate Scholarship James J. Leddy Scholarship James Y. and Harriet P. Tong Scholarship in Chemistry John and Beverly Schrag Analytical Chemistry Outstanding Peer Award John and Elizabeth Moore Award in General Chemistry K.V. and Sara Reddy Award in Physical Chemistry Karen M. Telander Undergraduate Research Award Kellogg Teaching Assistant Award Leah Cohodas Berk Award for Excellence in Chemistry Research Lindsey T. Plank and Richard H. Putze Memorial Scholarship Mabel Duthey Reiner Scholarship Margaret McLean Bender Scholarship Martha Gunhild Week Scholarship Michael W. McCoy Memorial Scholarship Paul J. Bender Memorial Award Pei Wang Fellowship PPG Fellowship and PPG Industries Mentoring Awards Ralph F. Hirschmann – Daniel H. Rich Fellowship in Bio-organic Chemistry Richard Fischer Scholarship Richard J. Boomer Student Support Robert and Diane Paulick Undergraduate Scholarship Robert C. Doban Mentorship Award Robert Franklin Taylor Scholarship Roger J. Carlson Graduate Award Sam C. Slifkin Award in Chemistry Stephen D. Morton Research Award Undergraduate Student Support In Chemistry Scholarship UW Department of Chemistry Annual Academic Staff Award Walter W. and Young-Ja C. Toy Scholarship Wayland E. Noland Research Fellowship Willard H. Hodge Scholarship in Chemistry William B. Dickinson Fellowship in Organic Chemistry William J. Maeck Scholarship in Chemistry Wisconsin ACS