Website Feedback Survey New Main Website Feedback Survey Name (optional) First Last Email (optional) How visually appealing is the new site? Not visually appealing at all Not very visually appealing Neither appealing nor unappealing Kind of visually appealing Very visually appealing CommentsHow much does the new site meet your needs? It doesn't meet my needs at all It only meets some of my needs It meets most of my needs It meets all of my needs CommentsHow easy was it to find what you were looking for? Not easy at all Not very easy Neither easy nor hard Mostly easy Very easy CommentsWhat is/are the most useful feature(s) on the new site?What do you like most and least about the new site?If there is any outdated/incorrect information please list what it is, what it should be, and where you found that information.Please list one thing that was easier to find on the new site compared to the old site, and one thing that is harder to find.Are there any features you really like, dislike, or would like to see on the new site?Is there anything missing/that you cannot find on the new site? If so, what and where should it be?Do you have any other comments on how we can improve the new site?We are happy to meet in person to go over any other concerns you have. Would you like to set up a meeting? Yes No (If yes, please make sure you have your contact information filled out at the beginning of the form)NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.