Welcome to UW–Madison Department of Chemistry!

Welcome new faculty, we’re so glad you’re here!

We would like to announce your arrival with a short bio and some information about your plans for your time in Madison. Please review the form below and enter the information you feel is relevant to your situation. The write-up from this information will appear on the Badger Chemist News website, accessible from a link at the top of the Department of Chemistry home page.

To set up a photograph session for headshots of you and your lab members, please contact Kimberly Hazen.

New Faculty

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • NameStudent/Postdoc/Staff Type 
  • YearDegree TypeDegree SubjectLocation 
  • Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 24 MB.
      If you have a lab group photo or a professional head shot, please upload it here, otherwise, contact department communications to set up a photo session.
    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.